Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A week of full on life.

Wow. I've had an amazing week this week. It's had allot of everything. All I can do is thank God for all he has done for me and for looking after me.

But before I delve into telling you the story of my life this week, I have a person I need to thanks (well I could thank all y friends and family for this week, but this person in particular)

Bethany, my beautiful Sister. She has done so much for me this week and has always been there for me. during all the hard times in life i know that I can talk to her and she will offer good advice. She is amazing and I am glad that she is my oner and only sister. Most of you are probably thinking I just got hacked, but I didn't. this is me, and thats my sister, one of the most amazing people in the world, ranking and equal 2nd for the people most important to me (no 1 is God :D).

So. Sunday. As usual we had church in the morning. It was pretty good, the only problem was that I was really really really tired, so I didn't concentrate very well. That was one problem at least. Maybe it was because I was tired, I don't know, but everything seemed to be going wrong that morning, and to be honest, I was a little annoyed at God. Thankfully he didn't kill me on the spot, like I deserved - but he did wake me up and i am very glad that he did. So, every now and again: well I suppose its allot more often then that, but anyway, I start slipping away from God. Only in small things, but I don't usually realize, and I backslide. So, usually after a slow fall - usually for about a week or 2, God does something to wake me up and made me realize i'm falling. This time, it was by making me angry and annoyed. Once again, I am sooooo thankful he did. So all week I've been trying to regain the ground that I lost and God has helped me. Now I feel close to him again, and believe me, it is the best feeling in the world.

Ok, just a warning, most people will probably find the rest of the post boring, so you can skip to the end. hahaha :) but you an read it if you want. (:

Anyway. So, after church We had family lunch. I met my cousin's girlfriend for the first time. She fits into the family perfectly. It was great fun, and I'm glad she fitted in so well :D Thanks Dan for bringing her :) Then some family (Mikki :D) came round and we watched pirates of the Caribbean 1 :D was as good this time as the....100 other times I've seen it hahaha :D (maybe I exaggerated a bit :P). Had a lazy afternoon :D

Monday....hmmm, I don't really remember Monday. but I now that all day I was looking forward to Tuesday :D. I do know that I read most of book 7 from tomorrow when the war began. I actually only read half, but I read for 7? hours. So I had a massive headache...Wooo. hahahaha. and then I had to return it Wednesday, before I finished it.

Tuesday. Best day of the week :D Read a bit more, then  got ready to go to my amazing cousins place (Mikki again :D) to watch movies. I really miss everyone from school, and seeing them was great. God has blessed me with so many amazing friends. I'm annoyed that Jess couldn't come, but it was fun anyway :D. I got pretty sick of my Pirate costume...especially the beard...hahaha, but it was fun.

Wednesday...yesterday...ummmmmm. Again i don't remember much. I played DOW2, best (strategy) game in the world, so far at least :D, and then read a bit, and then had to part with my book, and return it to the library :(. I couldn't renew it either.

Today, as I said, I feel that i am close to God again. I have heaps of problems, but I spent a while (about the same time as usual i suppose) reading God's word and praying. 

Anyway, thanks to God, I had an amazing week, and he looked after me. 

It's amazing how God gets you to read a bit of the bible that speaks directly to you at the time: Two bible verses that stuck out for me today were as follows:
Hebrews 13:5 which says: Never will I leave you, Never will I forsake you. - and if you consider this with the fact that God always keeps his promises: because 1. he cant lie, and 2. he controls all things so he cant not keep them without lying, it is a great encouragement: God cant not do this because he said he would :)
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. This is pretty much like the other one :D

1 comment:

  1. Aww I'm annoyed that I couldn't come either.. There's always another day though :)

    Great post, very encouraging :)
