Friday, May 27, 2011

My. Bad.

Sorry for neglecting this blog recently. A whole heap of stuff has been happening. Stuff I can never say here, as well as plenty of School Work, just to make it harder. I still have a post coming about God, I just haven't done any work on it in ages. I'm sorry for that. 

Random fact, but this should show you how busy I have been: I haven't played a computer game since February. Now, I love computer games (well I did) but I'm starting to see them as a MASSIVE waste of time. Sure they are fun, and I would love to have time to play again, but God didn't make me to play computer. He made me to glorify him. Sadly, I haven't done a lot of that either lately - I've hurt a few people, and caused a few problems, but I trust that in all, God will use it for good, and I know that no matter how bad I am, I can be, will be and am forgiven. there is NOTHING I can do that will shock God, and NOTHING I can do that can make me lose my salvation. Romans 8:38. Wow. Read it. Now. ( There you go, no excuses. So Roll call at school this morning was AMAZING. We have one of the most amazing teachers I will EVER meet. One of the most amazing people i will ever meet. My goal in life is to be like him. Through that, I will achieve my purpose as well, which is to glorify God. Wow. The stuff above about me never being able to do anything to big for God to handle was what roll call was on about today. All the people in Jesus' family line were crazy - Rapists, Murderers, Adulterers, everything. Yet God used them and still forgave them and gave them a part in the family line of his son, the one who would save the world. Also, Hebrews 11, about all those with faith - All of them had massive sin as well - Look at Sampson, Main difficulty was women, then also murdered a few thousand people, yet God still commends him for his faith. God still uses him, and forgives him. he will and has done the same for me, and if you repent and believe, he will do the same for you. Nothing you have done can shock God.

But saying all that, Sin is still sin. Every single lie, every single evil thought is punishable by an eternity in hell. I'm not exaggerating. But God offers us forgiveness through Jesus who came and died for us, so we can live. Repent and Believe for the Kingdom of God is near. I beg you - cos I was to see you in heaven.

This was a little rushed - I'll probably edit it soonish, so sorry if there are any mistakes, or if it doesn't make heaps of sense. Pray, Read the bible and Glorify God.