Saturday, January 22, 2011

SUFM: Mission, friendships and challenges.

The boy who has been saved had a great week developing friendships and being challenged to seek God more fully.

So this week gone by has been great. Don't feel that you have to read this: I'll try to make it interesting :)

Monday. The first day of SUFM youth mission. So I went to the morning program, which was fun. We played some basketball and got to know the leaders as well as having a talk about God from Luke 4:14-22. It is the passage where Jesus is in Nazareth, his home town, and he tells the people that he is the messiah, that he fulfills the prophecies from the old testament. We then split into discussion groups. At first I was a bit wary of this: I don't really enjoy discussion groups: because usually its just awkward, but this time was different. I think part of it was that everyone already knew everyone else, and we were more or less comfortable with each other, so it was alright. We discussed the passage and how Christ came to save us and rescue us from slavery to sin.

I didn't go to the arvo youth thing, because I was helping a friend, and I'm glad that I did.
Monday night was heaps of fun. There was a fun fare thing on, and I think the highlight of the night was when i collapsed the jumping castle...hahaha my bad :). I was spear tackling one of the sides, and every time I did it, i tripped one of my friends over, so one time i did it, and he was standing near me, and we both fell of opposite sides of the pole, collapsing the whole thing :) it was great. I had to get helped out by a friend hehehe, thanks Nathan :)

Tuesday. The morning session was basically the same all week, but this time we read about how Christ drove out the evil spirit from a man without hurting him. So Jesus is both rescuer and healer from sin. He can completely forgive someone and completely free them.
In the afternoon, we did guys and girls stuff: so we guys went to the oval and played soccer :) It was fun. Ed came and gave his testimony, which was great. He reminded us that no matter what we have done, God cares for us and e will forgive us if we come to him in repentance. (by the way, if anyone reading this has any questions, ask me. Email me at In discussion groups we went into discussing Satan and how people worship him and get involved in spiritual stuff, and that we shouldn't do that, but we don't have to fear it, because if we are Christians, then we are sealed forever in Christ and we are saved eternally, and we cant lose that salvation. I suppose that comes in with the doctrine of election and the sovereignty of God.

Wednesday. I could write a whole massive post about Wednesday. Actually, I think I will do that. So you'll have to wait a little while to find out about Wednesday :) I wanna say it one more time....Wednesday :D

OK, Thursday....was good fun. My best friend came (well he was there Wednesday as well...hehehe I said it again :)) anyway. So morning, as usual: we played basketball and had a talk. It was by Stewie, one of the leaders, and he spoke from Luke 7:11-17. An Amazing passage and the one before it is just as good (well the whole bible is amazing soo...just read all of it :P) Anyway: so Jesus goes to this town called Nain, and there's a funeral procession, and he stands there and everyone stops wailing and crying, and he speaks and the boy comes back to life. He didnt even touch him, he just said "Young man, I say to you, get up!" God is awesome. Jesus can save from Death, and he did it 3 times...4 including himself. We had pancakes for Breakfast :) thanks Stu, was great.
 Thursday Arvo we had slime :) I'm sorry if I upset you Chloe, I was just having fun, and believe me it was fun :) We had soap slime and had a tarp which we could slide on, that was fun :) played more basketball with Josh (best friend) and got soaked :)
Friday was also fun. Sadly all the leaders were tired, but I'm glad that they persevered and still had activities for Friday even though stuff had happened the night before. (just an accident). The talk was by Neal, a youth pastor from a nearby church., he spoke about how Jesus is the only one who can get us to God. We cant save ourselves, we cant even see God without him. We cant be in a relationship with God without Jesus because he is the one who mediates between us. He is a bridge. In discussion groups, Stu challenged us to know what we believe. He told us to write it down, so we have a good answer for anyone who asks. I'll tell you what my answer is. It isn't 100% perfect yet: it leaves out heaps of info, and I'm still working on getting my thoughts down on paper, but here goes.

As I said: it isn't perfect: I could write HEAPS and not even be close, and I will keep thinking about it, but that's a short, imperfect summary of why I am a christian.

Friday night was short film night. We watched some Pixar short films (some were sorta freaky hahaha), and we had spiders, and popcorn etc. :) I had fun hanging out with Josh and Mik and Chloe and Bec and Owen and Chris :). It was fun.

So the point of the youth mission was to see who Jesus is (no, not was, he still lives and he still is all that he was when he was on earth). He Rescues us from sin, if we seek him and ask. He can completely free us from sin and defeat Satan. He is the Healer: spiritually firstly and most importantly, but also in every other way. He is the defeater of death, and he is the bridge from us to God, so we can have a relationship with God, because though him we become sinless. without him we are sinful and vile: we are disobedient to God, and God cant even look at us because we are so disgusting, but through his death, he has washed us clean, and if we repent of our sins: our disobedience, then God sees us through Jesus, and we are pure and clean. That is how we can have a relationship with God through Jesus. Believe me, if your not  christian, this will be the biggest decision of your life. Make the right decision. Talk to me, or another mature christian: in fact talk to a few of us.

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