Saturday, January 22, 2011


The best day of the week, last week.

So, Wednesday :). I wont be able to describe it as well as I felt it, because:
1. I cant describe my feelings 100% well, and because it was half a week ago, so even though I remember how good it was, I'm not in the same mood and stuff like that.

So I wake up at about 8:30, just in case you wanted to know hahaha. Sam came over about 8:45. (By the way: Thanks Sam for coming down all week, it was fun and I'm glad you came)

We got to SUFM youth session 15 minutes early I think. We played some B'ball and mucked around as people arrived. As I was playing, Josh came. I cant describe it: I was pretty sure that he would come, but when I saw him I just felt happy: I think my face lit up hahaha, and I dunno: I just felt good. So he signed in, and we played basketball with some of the other guys. Then we went inside for the talk.

Dane was the speaker. He was one of the leaders, and I hope he comes next year because we got on well :). He spoke on Luke 5:17-25, the passage where Jesus heals a crippled man who is let down through the roof of a house. He pointed out that Jesus is the healer. In discussion groups we discussed a few things. We discussed how Jesus healed the man of his sins first. Jesus knew the real problem: he knows the real problem with every single person. The problem is not any physical or emotional thing: your problem, my problem, every one's problem, is sin. Firstly because sin causes all problems. Before sin, thee was no pain or death or deformity. There was only perfection. Read Genesis. We then discussed how we would feel: If I had bought my friend to be healed, so he could have a life, so he could look after himself and wouldn't have to beg, and all the guy said was that his sins were forgiven, how would I feel? Well, I would feel a little disappointed/confused at first I reckon, but then, s I think about it, I would start to realise the point. Sin is the problem. We need to go to Jesus, go to God and be healed of our sins, before he can help us in any other areas of our lives, and before he can support us. Anyway. Then Jesus, because he was fully God and fully Man (confusing I know, but true none the less), knew that some guys (the pharisees, the 'good people' of the day) thought he was blaspheming: they were thinking that he couldn't forgive sins: because only God can forgive sins. Obviously they had missed the point: JESUS IS GOD. Anyway. So Jesus says to them: whats easier: to say your sins are forgiven, or to make the guy walk? So to prove himself as God, Jesus heals the man, saying: “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” The man does so.
Can I point out that there was no time between Jesus saying it and it happening. Think about it. If his guy had never walked before, or even if he had just become paralyzed a year or 2 before, he would have had no muscle in his legs: it would have deteriorated. they would just be bone basically. So the very fact that 'Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God.' shows that God has power over everything. He is AWESOME, and he is ALL POWERFUL.

So, we played basketball, and had french toast....and went Home. Then I think, after a little while my Aunty came and picked us up and we went to her house. At about 3:00, we started walking to the Afternoon program. It was fun: a good walk. We got there and went to the pool. That was fun: we got to swim and enjoy ourselves. Actually I think we spent more time outside the pool ten inside: because we were diving in so much. After a few tries at synchronized diving, and 'Mexican Wave Dives' (MWD's) as I have henceforth dubbed them, we got out and went back to the church.

That Night was Theatre Sports. :D it was great. At first it was a bit awkward: no one really wanted to act in front of people, but eventually we got going. In our team were: Josh, Chloe, Mik, Chris, Nathan, Rebecca, Ed (unofficially), and another leader.

So the first Activity.
We had a pile of props, and everyone on the team had to use them and make a story out of them. Was funny. I think ours was a little like this: I, Alladin, had my hat stolen. (by Nathan). I was very sad, and got the court jester (Chloe) to entertain me. But, even though her lame jokes were amusing for a short while, nothing could satisfy the need I had to find my hat. So I hired the hunter, and he went to find the hat. He (well it was a she actually) 'find it, and so i hired the two twin half ducks to tell me where it was. Meanwhile Josh, was choking Nathan, and bought him to me and gave my hat back :).

2. We played minute to win it. This was alright: we had to move M&Ms from one bowl to another, and then we had to bounce balls into hoops, and then had to keep a beach ball in the air as long as possible.

3. Space Jump. This was pretty fun :) Actually it was great :D. The first person was at a party eating as much cake as possible. then throwing up and eating more hahahaOHH NO". Again, the duel words ring throughout the room (note, I feel the urge to write like a novelist at the moment :)) "SPACE JUMP!" I run on, butterflies slowly transforming into T-Rex's, and pretend to be swimming....Thinking?: this is Lame, I look hopeless, but I get nervous easily, and didn't have heaps of time to think. Swimming away, Chris reading a newspaper, and me and Chloe commenting saying how he'll get fat because he isn't exercising. Mik runs on...with the unexpected. 'Today class, we will be studying interpretive dancing...thoughts fly through my head...'what is interpretive dance?' then She starts waving her arms around...'ohhhh that's interpretive dance' so I now look like a moron hahaha, but it was great fun.

3. We had to die different ways. hahaha, that was fun. So we had a prank at school as the scenario. So we set a bowling ball on top of a door, I told Chris to test it, he got smacked in the head and died, then Bec threatens to tell someone, and Chloe kills her, then I go to eat a M&M because I'm nervous, and I choke, and Chloe pushes me....and then she chokes on poisonous gas (which was part of the prank)...depressing, but fun hahaha :)

Then we had to make TV ads using random props...I wasn't in that one, but it was pretty funny. Selling self-building houses... :)

So our team, the M&M's got to the finals. :) We had to act...improv.
 Our scenario: on a farm. Don't ask me how we came up with it, but our storyline was amazing...drum roll please....(Josh, that's your cue). SO we, the NINJAS stole the farmers hay. 
Firstly we had to do it as an action scene. So, Nathan, the GINGER ninja walks out and I do a commando roll towards the farmers, with the other ninjas behind us and we basically argue with them and tell them we stole the hay.
Then, we had CoMeDy. So I commando rolled on....without anyone else...then sorta looked around and was like....'lets do that again' So we all ran on, fell over etc, and decided that we stole Chloe's (the farmers) chocolate milk cow, and that Chris was drunk on its milk....was quiet hilarious (say hilarious slowly.....slower then that :P)
Anyway, the third genre was I want to go there??? OK. So We walk on, and I Sort of stagger backwards after looking at chloe, and say 'ohh'. Then with everyone looking at me I state, in a love-struck voice. "your beauty, is like that of a balloon" (for those who don't know, Chloe, HATES balloons. So she glares at me) "Or as that red sheet behind you: full of passion." thankfully Nathan comes up and saves me, dragging me off, saying "save it for later Romeo." As I am dragged away, I yell to her: "I will return your cow tonight" and so our romance ends....

So, we had fun, and it was an amazing day, and I really enjoyed it. Thanks to everyone who made it happen, and everyone who shared it with me.

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