Saturday, January 22, 2011


The best day of the week, last week.

So, Wednesday :). I wont be able to describe it as well as I felt it, because:
1. I cant describe my feelings 100% well, and because it was half a week ago, so even though I remember how good it was, I'm not in the same mood and stuff like that.

So I wake up at about 8:30, just in case you wanted to know hahaha. Sam came over about 8:45. (By the way: Thanks Sam for coming down all week, it was fun and I'm glad you came)

We got to SUFM youth session 15 minutes early I think. We played some B'ball and mucked around as people arrived. As I was playing, Josh came. I cant describe it: I was pretty sure that he would come, but when I saw him I just felt happy: I think my face lit up hahaha, and I dunno: I just felt good. So he signed in, and we played basketball with some of the other guys. Then we went inside for the talk.

Dane was the speaker. He was one of the leaders, and I hope he comes next year because we got on well :). He spoke on Luke 5:17-25, the passage where Jesus heals a crippled man who is let down through the roof of a house. He pointed out that Jesus is the healer. In discussion groups we discussed a few things. We discussed how Jesus healed the man of his sins first. Jesus knew the real problem: he knows the real problem with every single person. The problem is not any physical or emotional thing: your problem, my problem, every one's problem, is sin. Firstly because sin causes all problems. Before sin, thee was no pain or death or deformity. There was only perfection. Read Genesis. We then discussed how we would feel: If I had bought my friend to be healed, so he could have a life, so he could look after himself and wouldn't have to beg, and all the guy said was that his sins were forgiven, how would I feel? Well, I would feel a little disappointed/confused at first I reckon, but then, s I think about it, I would start to realise the point. Sin is the problem. We need to go to Jesus, go to God and be healed of our sins, before he can help us in any other areas of our lives, and before he can support us. Anyway. Then Jesus, because he was fully God and fully Man (confusing I know, but true none the less), knew that some guys (the pharisees, the 'good people' of the day) thought he was blaspheming: they were thinking that he couldn't forgive sins: because only God can forgive sins. Obviously they had missed the point: JESUS IS GOD. Anyway. So Jesus says to them: whats easier: to say your sins are forgiven, or to make the guy walk? So to prove himself as God, Jesus heals the man, saying: “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” The man does so.
Can I point out that there was no time between Jesus saying it and it happening. Think about it. If his guy had never walked before, or even if he had just become paralyzed a year or 2 before, he would have had no muscle in his legs: it would have deteriorated. they would just be bone basically. So the very fact that 'Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God.' shows that God has power over everything. He is AWESOME, and he is ALL POWERFUL.

So, we played basketball, and had french toast....and went Home. Then I think, after a little while my Aunty came and picked us up and we went to her house. At about 3:00, we started walking to the Afternoon program. It was fun: a good walk. We got there and went to the pool. That was fun: we got to swim and enjoy ourselves. Actually I think we spent more time outside the pool ten inside: because we were diving in so much. After a few tries at synchronized diving, and 'Mexican Wave Dives' (MWD's) as I have henceforth dubbed them, we got out and went back to the church.

That Night was Theatre Sports. :D it was great. At first it was a bit awkward: no one really wanted to act in front of people, but eventually we got going. In our team were: Josh, Chloe, Mik, Chris, Nathan, Rebecca, Ed (unofficially), and another leader.

So the first Activity.
We had a pile of props, and everyone on the team had to use them and make a story out of them. Was funny. I think ours was a little like this: I, Alladin, had my hat stolen. (by Nathan). I was very sad, and got the court jester (Chloe) to entertain me. But, even though her lame jokes were amusing for a short while, nothing could satisfy the need I had to find my hat. So I hired the hunter, and he went to find the hat. He (well it was a she actually) 'find it, and so i hired the two twin half ducks to tell me where it was. Meanwhile Josh, was choking Nathan, and bought him to me and gave my hat back :).

2. We played minute to win it. This was alright: we had to move M&Ms from one bowl to another, and then we had to bounce balls into hoops, and then had to keep a beach ball in the air as long as possible.

3. Space Jump. This was pretty fun :) Actually it was great :D. The first person was at a party eating as much cake as possible. then throwing up and eating more hahahaOHH NO". Again, the duel words ring throughout the room (note, I feel the urge to write like a novelist at the moment :)) "SPACE JUMP!" I run on, butterflies slowly transforming into T-Rex's, and pretend to be swimming....Thinking?: this is Lame, I look hopeless, but I get nervous easily, and didn't have heaps of time to think. Swimming away, Chris reading a newspaper, and me and Chloe commenting saying how he'll get fat because he isn't exercising. Mik runs on...with the unexpected. 'Today class, we will be studying interpretive dancing...thoughts fly through my head...'what is interpretive dance?' then She starts waving her arms around...'ohhhh that's interpretive dance' so I now look like a moron hahaha, but it was great fun.

3. We had to die different ways. hahaha, that was fun. So we had a prank at school as the scenario. So we set a bowling ball on top of a door, I told Chris to test it, he got smacked in the head and died, then Bec threatens to tell someone, and Chloe kills her, then I go to eat a M&M because I'm nervous, and I choke, and Chloe pushes me....and then she chokes on poisonous gas (which was part of the prank)...depressing, but fun hahaha :)

Then we had to make TV ads using random props...I wasn't in that one, but it was pretty funny. Selling self-building houses... :)

So our team, the M&M's got to the finals. :) We had to act...improv.
 Our scenario: on a farm. Don't ask me how we came up with it, but our storyline was amazing...drum roll please....(Josh, that's your cue). SO we, the NINJAS stole the farmers hay. 
Firstly we had to do it as an action scene. So, Nathan, the GINGER ninja walks out and I do a commando roll towards the farmers, with the other ninjas behind us and we basically argue with them and tell them we stole the hay.
Then, we had CoMeDy. So I commando rolled on....without anyone else...then sorta looked around and was like....'lets do that again' So we all ran on, fell over etc, and decided that we stole Chloe's (the farmers) chocolate milk cow, and that Chris was drunk on its milk....was quiet hilarious (say hilarious slowly.....slower then that :P)
Anyway, the third genre was I want to go there??? OK. So We walk on, and I Sort of stagger backwards after looking at chloe, and say 'ohh'. Then with everyone looking at me I state, in a love-struck voice. "your beauty, is like that of a balloon" (for those who don't know, Chloe, HATES balloons. So she glares at me) "Or as that red sheet behind you: full of passion." thankfully Nathan comes up and saves me, dragging me off, saying "save it for later Romeo." As I am dragged away, I yell to her: "I will return your cow tonight" and so our romance ends....

So, we had fun, and it was an amazing day, and I really enjoyed it. Thanks to everyone who made it happen, and everyone who shared it with me.

SUFM: Mission, friendships and challenges.

The boy who has been saved had a great week developing friendships and being challenged to seek God more fully.

So this week gone by has been great. Don't feel that you have to read this: I'll try to make it interesting :)

Monday. The first day of SUFM youth mission. So I went to the morning program, which was fun. We played some basketball and got to know the leaders as well as having a talk about God from Luke 4:14-22. It is the passage where Jesus is in Nazareth, his home town, and he tells the people that he is the messiah, that he fulfills the prophecies from the old testament. We then split into discussion groups. At first I was a bit wary of this: I don't really enjoy discussion groups: because usually its just awkward, but this time was different. I think part of it was that everyone already knew everyone else, and we were more or less comfortable with each other, so it was alright. We discussed the passage and how Christ came to save us and rescue us from slavery to sin.

I didn't go to the arvo youth thing, because I was helping a friend, and I'm glad that I did.
Monday night was heaps of fun. There was a fun fare thing on, and I think the highlight of the night was when i collapsed the jumping castle...hahaha my bad :). I was spear tackling one of the sides, and every time I did it, i tripped one of my friends over, so one time i did it, and he was standing near me, and we both fell of opposite sides of the pole, collapsing the whole thing :) it was great. I had to get helped out by a friend hehehe, thanks Nathan :)

Tuesday. The morning session was basically the same all week, but this time we read about how Christ drove out the evil spirit from a man without hurting him. So Jesus is both rescuer and healer from sin. He can completely forgive someone and completely free them.
In the afternoon, we did guys and girls stuff: so we guys went to the oval and played soccer :) It was fun. Ed came and gave his testimony, which was great. He reminded us that no matter what we have done, God cares for us and e will forgive us if we come to him in repentance. (by the way, if anyone reading this has any questions, ask me. Email me at In discussion groups we went into discussing Satan and how people worship him and get involved in spiritual stuff, and that we shouldn't do that, but we don't have to fear it, because if we are Christians, then we are sealed forever in Christ and we are saved eternally, and we cant lose that salvation. I suppose that comes in with the doctrine of election and the sovereignty of God.

Wednesday. I could write a whole massive post about Wednesday. Actually, I think I will do that. So you'll have to wait a little while to find out about Wednesday :) I wanna say it one more time....Wednesday :D

OK, Thursday....was good fun. My best friend came (well he was there Wednesday as well...hehehe I said it again :)) anyway. So morning, as usual: we played basketball and had a talk. It was by Stewie, one of the leaders, and he spoke from Luke 7:11-17. An Amazing passage and the one before it is just as good (well the whole bible is amazing soo...just read all of it :P) Anyway: so Jesus goes to this town called Nain, and there's a funeral procession, and he stands there and everyone stops wailing and crying, and he speaks and the boy comes back to life. He didnt even touch him, he just said "Young man, I say to you, get up!" God is awesome. Jesus can save from Death, and he did it 3 times...4 including himself. We had pancakes for Breakfast :) thanks Stu, was great.
 Thursday Arvo we had slime :) I'm sorry if I upset you Chloe, I was just having fun, and believe me it was fun :) We had soap slime and had a tarp which we could slide on, that was fun :) played more basketball with Josh (best friend) and got soaked :)
Friday was also fun. Sadly all the leaders were tired, but I'm glad that they persevered and still had activities for Friday even though stuff had happened the night before. (just an accident). The talk was by Neal, a youth pastor from a nearby church., he spoke about how Jesus is the only one who can get us to God. We cant save ourselves, we cant even see God without him. We cant be in a relationship with God without Jesus because he is the one who mediates between us. He is a bridge. In discussion groups, Stu challenged us to know what we believe. He told us to write it down, so we have a good answer for anyone who asks. I'll tell you what my answer is. It isn't 100% perfect yet: it leaves out heaps of info, and I'm still working on getting my thoughts down on paper, but here goes.

As I said: it isn't perfect: I could write HEAPS and not even be close, and I will keep thinking about it, but that's a short, imperfect summary of why I am a christian.

Friday night was short film night. We watched some Pixar short films (some were sorta freaky hahaha), and we had spiders, and popcorn etc. :) I had fun hanging out with Josh and Mik and Chloe and Bec and Owen and Chris :). It was fun.

So the point of the youth mission was to see who Jesus is (no, not was, he still lives and he still is all that he was when he was on earth). He Rescues us from sin, if we seek him and ask. He can completely free us from sin and defeat Satan. He is the Healer: spiritually firstly and most importantly, but also in every other way. He is the defeater of death, and he is the bridge from us to God, so we can have a relationship with God, because though him we become sinless. without him we are sinful and vile: we are disobedient to God, and God cant even look at us because we are so disgusting, but through his death, he has washed us clean, and if we repent of our sins: our disobedience, then God sees us through Jesus, and we are pure and clean. That is how we can have a relationship with God through Jesus. Believe me, if your not  christian, this will be the biggest decision of your life. Make the right decision. Talk to me, or another mature christian: in fact talk to a few of us.

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Days of unboring holidays

So, The last 2 days have been great. I've been getting pretty bored and lonely throughout the holidays, but the last 2 days have really been good fun. Yesterday...I woke up at 6:30 sigh.....hate early mornings hahaha :) and we went CANOEING!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO. At first i wasn't looking forward to it: I was grumpy most of the time until we left, but it was great fun when we went. So after the 1 hr car trip (well it was meat to be 56mins :P) we hired 3 canoes and 3 kyacks. I was in a Canoe with a friend from sydney. I think we smashed into every tree that we possibly could (my bad) which, may I say, caused us to have more fun then anyone else there :P. So with a canoe full of sticks and spiders and scratched bodies, we eventually caught up with the rest of the canoers :) 

So we got to the pick up point, about 3 hrs before we were gonna get pick first it was a little annoying, but after lunch, we went back out on the canoes across the river to a rope swing...WOOO. that was fun, we swung from that swing for about 2 hours, experimenting all the different ways we could do it, without killing ourselves (we got pretty close I reckon).

So then eventually we got home, exhausted. At about 8:00 I went for a walk up the street. well around the street. I took my sisters camera, and as I went I found some stuff to photograph, which was fun. It took me awhile to work out how to get the flash off, but once I did that I got a few good shots. As I walked, I slowly started to get freaked out. I was walking along a road, with the back of the swimming pool on one side, and trees on the other. It was pretty freaky. Eventually i got up to main street, but even that didnt ease my freaked out phase: There was no one there, except one man that I passed as I walked. So it was getting darker and I started going home (by another route). I enjoyed the walk, but the camera ran out of battery before I had collected all the shots I wanted :( ohh well, Ill go back out today and get more :)

So I had a great time yesterday :) It was great fun and I enjoyed not being bored. I love going for walks, because they let me think about God and feel part of the amazing world he created :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A week of full on life.

Wow. I've had an amazing week this week. It's had allot of everything. All I can do is thank God for all he has done for me and for looking after me.

But before I delve into telling you the story of my life this week, I have a person I need to thanks (well I could thank all y friends and family for this week, but this person in particular)

Bethany, my beautiful Sister. She has done so much for me this week and has always been there for me. during all the hard times in life i know that I can talk to her and she will offer good advice. She is amazing and I am glad that she is my oner and only sister. Most of you are probably thinking I just got hacked, but I didn't. this is me, and thats my sister, one of the most amazing people in the world, ranking and equal 2nd for the people most important to me (no 1 is God :D).

So. Sunday. As usual we had church in the morning. It was pretty good, the only problem was that I was really really really tired, so I didn't concentrate very well. That was one problem at least. Maybe it was because I was tired, I don't know, but everything seemed to be going wrong that morning, and to be honest, I was a little annoyed at God. Thankfully he didn't kill me on the spot, like I deserved - but he did wake me up and i am very glad that he did. So, every now and again: well I suppose its allot more often then that, but anyway, I start slipping away from God. Only in small things, but I don't usually realize, and I backslide. So, usually after a slow fall - usually for about a week or 2, God does something to wake me up and made me realize i'm falling. This time, it was by making me angry and annoyed. Once again, I am sooooo thankful he did. So all week I've been trying to regain the ground that I lost and God has helped me. Now I feel close to him again, and believe me, it is the best feeling in the world.

Ok, just a warning, most people will probably find the rest of the post boring, so you can skip to the end. hahaha :) but you an read it if you want. (:

Anyway. So, after church We had family lunch. I met my cousin's girlfriend for the first time. She fits into the family perfectly. It was great fun, and I'm glad she fitted in so well :D Thanks Dan for bringing her :) Then some family (Mikki :D) came round and we watched pirates of the Caribbean 1 :D was as good this time as the....100 other times I've seen it hahaha :D (maybe I exaggerated a bit :P). Had a lazy afternoon :D

Monday....hmmm, I don't really remember Monday. but I now that all day I was looking forward to Tuesday :D. I do know that I read most of book 7 from tomorrow when the war began. I actually only read half, but I read for 7? hours. So I had a massive headache...Wooo. hahahaha. and then I had to return it Wednesday, before I finished it.

Tuesday. Best day of the week :D Read a bit more, then  got ready to go to my amazing cousins place (Mikki again :D) to watch movies. I really miss everyone from school, and seeing them was great. God has blessed me with so many amazing friends. I'm annoyed that Jess couldn't come, but it was fun anyway :D. I got pretty sick of my Pirate costume...especially the beard...hahaha, but it was fun.

Wednesday...yesterday...ummmmmm. Again i don't remember much. I played DOW2, best (strategy) game in the world, so far at least :D, and then read a bit, and then had to part with my book, and return it to the library :(. I couldn't renew it either.

Today, as I said, I feel that i am close to God again. I have heaps of problems, but I spent a while (about the same time as usual i suppose) reading God's word and praying. 

Anyway, thanks to God, I had an amazing week, and he looked after me. 

It's amazing how God gets you to read a bit of the bible that speaks directly to you at the time: Two bible verses that stuck out for me today were as follows:
Hebrews 13:5 which says: Never will I leave you, Never will I forsake you. - and if you consider this with the fact that God always keeps his promises: because 1. he cant lie, and 2. he controls all things so he cant not keep them without lying, it is a great encouragement: God cant not do this because he said he would :)
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. This is pretty much like the other one :D

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Best Friend

This Poem is dedicated to my best friend: Josh. It cuts pretty close to what our friendship is, or hopefully will be. If I had more time I'd write my own, but this will have to do for now. I never really know how to express my thanks to you, or to show how much I appreciate you, but this sums it up pretty well.

For My Best Friend
This is for you, my best friend,
the one person i can tell my soul too
Who can relate to me like no other
Who I can laugh with to no extents,
Who I can cry too when times are tough,
Who can help me with the problems of my life.

Never have you turned your back on me
Or told me I wasnt good enough
Or let me down

I don't think you know what that means to me
You have went through so much pain and you still have time
For me.
And I love you for listening even when inside YOU are dying
And I look up too you because you are strong,
and caring
and beautiful.
Even though you don't think you are.

And I hope you know that I am always here
To listen to you laugh and cry and help
In all the ways that i can
And I will try to be at least half the friend you are
To me.

I hope you know I would not be the person I am today, with out you.
My best friend.

So Josh, Thankyou. Your my best friend, your my brother. I count you as family, and wish you actually were my brother. I'm always here for you, and thankyou for being there for me. Your Awesome. :D

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The War Against Child Slavery

A Big thing in my life at the moment is the war against child slavery and child trafficking. The thing that first helped enlist me to do stuff with my life, and with my teen years was a very good book (which I recommend to all teens around the world, and also to adults) Called Do Hard Things written by Alex and Brett Harris. The book is written by teens and is for teens. It is quote: A teenage Rebelution against low expectation'. It focuses on the fact that we teens waste some of the most important years of our lives and that we should get out there and do stuff in the world. One bible verse that comes to mind is 1 Timothy 4:12 - 'Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.' The Authors are Christians and once again, all I can do is to recommend that you read it. It changed my life...more or less.

Anyway. So after reading this book, I was feeling very inspired to find something that I could do. something that would be relatively easy and wouldn't cost much. So. I went on the website (which I also recommend to everyone) From there, after looking at a few pages I joined the forums, which has limited access and before you are allowed in you have to fill out a few questions, so that they know that you are a Christian: The forums are meant to be a Christian environment where we can go and seek help and encourage each other (I recommend the prayer room, if you decide to join the forum). Soon after doing this, I was accepted and I began looking around. The main thing that caught my interest was the projects forum. From there, after scrolling through a few projects, I found what I was looking for. Bands To Break Bonds. At first I only offered to pray and changed my email signature to have the website (, but then I decided that I could sell wristbands as well. It turns out that I was the first client for bands to break bonds in Australia, and since then God has blessed me heaps by allowing HEAPS of people i know to buy wristbands and to encourage me. For example, One friend, Jess, bought ALL the types of wristbands that there were. 

So basically, Bands to Break Bonds is a non profit organisation, run by a teenager. She is seeking to help the fight against child slavery by selling wristbands, at $3 each. All the profit (usually about half the money of the bands) goes to either Rapha House, or the Home Foundation, both of whom build houses or orphanages for freed, or rescued child slaves. They educate the children giving them better opportunities in later life and providing for their needs. I think they also seek to teach them about God.

Anyway: the whole point of that essay is that if you are at all possible, in any way, to do anything with your teen years then do it. An easy thing you can do is email me ( and I can order a (or a few) wristband(s) for you. I charge $3.50, because I have to pay for postage from America, and make up for losing money with the exchange rate. Or, you could go to the website, and buy one yourself. You could do what I have done and buy them and re-sell them to friends and family, or just to randoms in your area (but make sure they aren't too random...), You could go to and learn about doing hard things, or you could go in search of another non-profit organisation that you can volunteer with or support. There are so many options: in fact there are almost unlimited options. DON'T waste your life, Do Something Worth While. Do it now, don't wait: the longer you wait the less likely you will do anything (I almost learnt that the hard way)

But most importantly, do something that will honour God and glorify him. Philippians 4:6: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Pray about everything, and don't do anything until you are sure that it is what God wants you to do. He is in control of all things, don't turn from him. If your not a Christian, then honestly you don't know what your missing out on: yes it may seem from he outside that we are in  a prison, that we are slaves to God (which we are) but really, you are the slaves to sin. 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11: 28-30. Jesus (God) offers a better type of slavery then sin. As servants of Jesus, we want to obey him, we aren't forced to, and we are thankful because he has freed us from sin. We have a master who wont desert us or leave us and who cares about our well being. I imagine animals at a zoo think we are the ones trapped in a cage, but really, we know that they are the ones trapped. it is a bit similar to non Christians verse Christians. We (Christians) can see that you (non Christians) are trapped, and while it does seem appealing to be sinful, it really isn't worth it. We Christians are free, we don't have to sin, and we have a sure and certain hope of heaven, and the knowledge that God is looking after us and loves us. 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 adresses this a little. 'everything is permissible for me, but not everything is benificial'

Please, Please, Please, if you are not a Christian talk to someone who is, preferably a few people. Don't give up, Turn to God, repent and Believe. Yes, if you want to talk to me then please do: I will try to be as helpful as possible, and I can tell you of others who you can talk to. This will be the biggest decision of your life: the most important and the most life changing. It will not only govern your life, but your future for all for eternity. Heaven or Hell. It is the hardest thing in some ways that you could do.

Anyway, thanks for reading my second blog: it wasn't really personal or deep or anything, but I think it was a good thing to write and to give you ideas about.

Buy A Wristband :D

Looking back

Hey. This is my first blog - ever, and to tell you a little about myself, I would like to do a recap of 2010, and maybe even a little before that. But first, I would like to mention that they don't have my favorite font: they don't have comic sans ms :( :P.
Well, as you can see, I'm a little random and perhaps a bit of a perfectionist. 

Anyway. Wow. God has given me an amazing year this year: he has filled it with allot of everything: Friendships, Love, Heartbreak, Nerves, everything. As i get older, the years seem to go quicker and quicker, and to be honest I'm a little scared that before long, I will be 'over the hill'. This year...Well what I remember of it:

The main thing in my life last year, has, of course been God. I have doubted and hurt, and with his strength, have pushed through and grown and learnt allot. Yes, being a Christian is hard, Yes, sometimes it seems that there is no reason, but God is there, and he will help all of us through the hard times. This year has had allot of hard times, but God allows them so we can grow, and I can honestly say that they help us grow and are for our good: our becoming more like him. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

The second main thing was relationships: friendships. I have never had a best friend before this year. Now I do, and I am very thankful that he accepted me. Thanks Josh for all the good times, all the laughs, and for putting up with me :) I hope I was as helpful to you as you were to me. Another friendship that I developed this year was one with a new teacher at school. In term 2 we got a new teacher, and we automatically got on really well. He is a strong, godly christian, and I hope to be like him when I grow up :D. He has been a great influence on our whole class, and I am very thankful to him for all the lessons he taught and the fun he let us have. I also strengthened heaps of other relationships which I had: Jess, thankyou. You have taught me heaps, and even if you don't think so, you are a great friend, and I am glad that you listen to me :) Thankyou. 
I suppose the lesson in this is that we all need friends. Yes sometimes it will be hard, sometimes you will be sick of each other, sometimes you will wish they were different, and sometimes you will wish you were different, but we all need friends, and these friendships shouldn't be treated lightly. Thankyou again Josh: you are the best friend I have ever had, and I truly hope that our friendship continues for many years: and into heaven, when we get there. Thanks for the support you have given me and i only hope that the support I offered you during those hard times this year was as helpful as the support you gave me.

So some of the last paragraph was meant to go in my special mentions and thankyou's but anyway: I can always say it twice

Last year has been the craziest year of my life. So many things happened, and I have so many regrets, but really I am thankful to God for every little thing that happened: that he let happen, and caused to happen. Nerves was a big issue: I had my 6th grade piano exam, and I was crazy with nerves, but I got through, and did pretty well :) God blessed me allot in that. One thing which I have started to learn is not to worry about what others think. Yes it matters a little bit, but it doesn't matter heaps: it isn't worth changing yourself over. Don't seek to fit in: seek to be yourself. If people are too stupid to like you because of it then its their problem. I have huge problems with this: I want to be like everyone else, and I am always seeking to be cool, but I am starting to learn that it doesn't really matter: it isn't worth getting stressed over. Everyone is different, and everyone needs to learn to accept everyone else as they are. One thing that brings this up is a new person at school. They really didn't fit in, and no one likes them, but everyone is wrong. This person is kind, she looks after everyone, she cares. she genuinely cares about others. Yes she has a few small problems, but so do I and so do you. Learn to accept people for who they are, stop trying to make them fit into your mould. being cool isn't worth it.

Anyway. Last year was great: I learnt heaps, I grew allot in God, I faced allot of hard times: with my friends, and without them. What I want to say to everyone who reads this is: push through. Life has lots of ups and downs, It will be hard: it will get very hard, sometimes it will even seem impossible. But PUSH ON!!! there is a reason for it all. If your not a christian then please, I beg you: seek God. Go to church, read the bible, but most of all: REPENT AND BELIEVE!!!! (if you want bible verses for that then ask) Repent: turn away from the sinful things that you are hooked on, and change. Tell God your sorry and ask him to help you change. Believe that he is the only way to God, he is the way, the truth and the life. Im happy to talk to anyone who is interested. Satan will make it hard for you, and being a christian wont be easy, but its what got me through this year: without God I would have died long ago. He has saved my life and gave me purpose. He is the ONLY way to be d=saved and get to heaven. I know that sounds arrogant, but the truth always does doesn't it? The real truth does at least.

So the rest of the post is dedicated to my friends. Read it if you want (and your not my friend) but you wont get much out of it. :D

Josh, I know I have already said thank you, but again, thanks. You have no idea how much I have depended on you this year. Your my best friend, and i don't say that lightly. Just keep seeking God. I will continue to pray for you, and I hope everything gets sorted soon. You are talented in so many areas: never think that you are worthless. But the praise comes with a warning. Don't let it get to your head. You are amazing, but don't get up yourself about it. God has taught me allot this year about being humble, and I hope he doesn't have to teach you the same way he taught me. Seek him, read the bible, come to church whenever you can. Pray heaps. 

Rachel, Sarah, Meg, thanks heaps for all the good times and the laughs. You have all been great friends. 
 Thank you Rachel for being my bus buddy: for caring about me, for seeing me when no one else could, for asking me what was up, even when you knew I wouldn't tell you. You've been a great friend. thanks for the deep conversations, and for the long and strenuous 'discussion' that we had. You have taught me allot, and shown us both how stubborn we are.
 Sarah. You have been a good friend this year. you have put up with me even when i was painfully annoying. I know that I was a pain this year: but thank you for all the good laughs at your expense. Ye Josh can zip his ear off :P But seriously, thanks for putting up with me and not hating me. Im going to try and change this year: try and stop being so annoying.
  Meg. Thank you for all the talks we had, and for all the encouragement you have given me. I made allot of mistakes this year, but thank you for forgiving me every time. Yes, in some things I believe I am right, but thank you for arguing. Yes we both have our problems, and yes we will never agree on some points, but thank you for always looking out for me and being ready to help me and talk to me and have philosophical discussions with me. You've been great.
 Mikki, I love you heaps: you are the best cousin I could ever ask for, and don't worry about what other people think about you: who cares what they think - they don't know you, and they never will. And if they will judge you before they know you, then they aren't worth knowing in the first place. You are beautiful, and I wish I could help you more then I have in the past. I'm sorry for not understanding, and for not listening. i am learning to listen, and please be patient with me. I love you heaps: never forget that, and please keep the good advice coming.
 Chloe. Thanks for all the good times, and all the laughs, You are a great friend, and i hope our friendship lasts for ages: into heaven and forever after that. Thanks for putting up with me and forgiving me all those times I was/am a Fathead. Please don't flick me :P Thanks for being ready to talk to me and for being ready to be honest with me. Thanks for caring when I was upset and for talking to me when you were. Thanks for not giving up on me, and showing me what friendship is: that it pushes through the hard times and the mistakes. Your great. Keep seeking God, reading his word and praying.
 There are so many more people that I could mention: thanks to Josh, brendan and owen and meg (again) for the great music classes: especially for getting me in trouble when you scrunched the piece of paper while hitting me with it  :P Thanks brendan for teaching me how to ply the piano, and for knowing how to play any instrument that you see. You have inspired me to learn more and become better at the piano, and start guitar. 
Thank you Sam and Matt, for the good times and the friendship: for Deep Blue, and for teaching me so much. You have both been great. Matt I think of you like a brother, and i hope our friendship continues to grow. i think you are amazing, and whatever happens, I hope you will always be my friend. Thanks for caring about me and worrying about me, and for the fact that even though we haven't known each other very long, for being my good friend. Sam, thanks for being part of my social life and for being ready to talk to me. You are both amazing, and I count you both as my close friends. 
 Thanks Renae for becoming part of the family :D.
 Jess, I said most of it before, but thanks for inspiring me to write this blog, and for always  being ready to be honest with me, and then talk to me when I wasn't feeling so good either. Stay close to God, he will never forsake you.
 But most of all, Thankyou Bethany, my sister. I love you SOOO much, and you will never truly understand how much that is. Thank you for putting up with me and for loving me. For always being ready to talk to me, and for looking after me. Your the best sister ever, and don't worry bout how you look: God made you beautiful, and thats what you are. Stop letting satan tell you otherwise: he is the king of lies and he isnt worth listening to.

Those were just some of the people i could mention. These people make me me, and without them, I dont know who or where i would be. Some perhaps have shaped me more then others (bethany, Josh) but you have all had a big part in my life. There are also many others: peter, thanks for putting up with me, Dan, Lever, Aaron, Jasmine, Adele etc.
