Monday, February 14, 2011


Smile, God loves you: well he does if your a Christian :)

But really, while I am smiling at that, I am also smiling at the fact that a friend of mine has taken the first (hopefully of many) steps forward, to 'turning back' to God


So, I encourage you t pray for this friend of mine, Like many others I know are doing - but please, only pray for her if you are a Christian: if your not, then pray for your own salvation: repent and believe the good news (Mark 1:15b). Anywho:

WOOOOO again.

See, Thankyou for taking this step forward, because I know your reading this. Please keep it up, and don't wait. RUN the race marked out for you :D



  1. Hey thats great! so good that u can be used in their life! Ill be prayin!
    rach imo
    (ps, God loves everyone... you agree yes...)

  2. Well...Yeah I think so. But he hates sin: and we are sinful. So yes, he loves us all, and he sent Jesus to die for us which proves it.

    But I think I was saying, he extra loves us (his people) because we are his children?

  3. Gunna have to disagree. God loves us unconditionaly. thats why he is God. that is what perfect love is. he may not love the things they do but he loves them just as much as u and me :)

  4. Ok. Well I don't have a strong view here. But I know he hates sin, and loves us, so... :)

  5. Well i know God loves everyone! So just putting it out to anyone else reading this! Chrisitian or not he loves you SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!
